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Barricelli, Barbara Rita, Università degli Studi di Milano
Barry, Nicole, Nicole Barry is a graduate student at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Bartley, Russell, Mendocino County Museum
Bartley, Sylvia, Noyo Hill House
Bartolini, Enrico, DISMI, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Bartolini, Enrico, DISMI - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Barton, Kevin, Landscape and Geophysical Survey Ltd.
Bassoli, Elisa, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”, Modena, Italy
Batino, Sabrina, <div><div><div>Visual Computing Lab - ISTI - CNR</div></div></div>
Batista-Galván, María, Transportes Interurbanos de Tenerife, S.A.U.
Batou, Anas, Université Paris-Est, MSME
Battaglia, Manuela
Battarra, Maria, Mathematics, University of Southampton<br />
Battarra, Maria, University of Southampton
Battarra, Maria, Mathematics, University of Southampton
Battarra, Maria, Mathematics, University of Southampton, Highfield Southampton, SO17 1BJ,
Baù, Giulio, Department of Mathematics-University of Pisa
Baum, Daniel, Zuse Institute Berlin
Baumann, Frank, <p>Fakultät für Mathematik</p><p>TU Dortmund</p>
Bäumer, Richard, <p>Hamburg University of Technology</p>
Beale, Gareth
Beale, Gareth, Archaeological Computing Research Group, University of Southampton
Beale, Gareth, University of Southampton
Beale, Nicole, Archaeological Computing Research Group, University of Southampton
Beale, Nicole, ACRG, University of Southampton
Beale, Nicole, University of Southampton
Beales, Richard, IT Innovation Centre
Beavis, Miki A, University College London Institute of Archaeology&nbsp;
Beberniss, Timothy, Structural Sciences, Air Force Research Lab, Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
Beck, Anthony, The University of Leeds
Beck, Anthony, School of Computing, University of Leeds
Beck, Anthony, University of Leeds, DART Project<br />
Beck, James, Belstead Research Ltd
Behera, Diptiranjan, Dept. of Mathematics, National Institute Of Technology, Rourkela 769008, Odisha India
Behnamfar, Farhad, <p>Isfshan University of Technology, Isfahan ,Iran</p>
Behnamfar, Farhad, <span>Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan </span><a id="_GPLITA_1" title="Click to Continue &gt; by Text-Enhance" href="">University</a><span> of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran.</span><br />
Bekakos, Chrysostomos Alexandros, PhD Student
Bektas, Tolga, University of Southampton, Southampton
Bektas, Tolga, University of Southampton
Belotserkovskiy, Pavel M., Moscow State University of Communications (M I I T)
Belotti, Roberto, Università degli Studi di Padova<br />
Belotti, Roberto, Università degli Studi di Padova
Belyi, Mikhail, R&amp;D SIMULIA, Structural Mechanics, Linear Dynamics Development Director
Bempong, Bernard Franklin, 2nd Year PhD. Student, Organisational Behaviour &amp; Human Resource School of Management.
Benison, Kathleen C., <p><em>Department of Geology, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859, USA</em></p>
Bercovici, Antoine, <p><em>China University of Geosciences</em>,<em>Wuhan&nbsp;</em>430074,&nbsp;</p>
Berg, Evy, Directorate for Cultural Heritage Norway
Bermejo Tirado, Jesús, Independent Researcher
Berruti, Teresa Maria, POLITECNICO DI TORINO
Bertazzi, Luca, Department of Economics and Management, University of Brescia,<br />

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