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Tarantilis, Christos, Athens University of Economics and Business
Tas, Duygu, School of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology
Taylor, David, Timescape Surveys, 'Northumbria'
Taylor, James Stuart, <div>University of York</div><br />
Taylor, Wilson, Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Tedford, Rebecca Ann, BP America Inc.
Tedoldi, Fabio, <em>Bracco Imaging, Bracco Research Center, Colleretto <em>Giacosa (TO)</em></em>
Teira, Luis, IIIPC (<span>Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehist&oacute;ricas de Cantabria)</span>
Ten Harkel, Letty, University of Oxford
Ten Harkel, Letty, University of Oxford
Tenney, Matthew, University of Arkansas
Terashima, Osamu, Honda R&amp;D Co., Ltd.
Téreygeol, Florian, IRAMAT, Laboratoire M&eacute;tallurgies et Cultures, CNRS, Belfort University
Terrill, Richard
Tesch, Christian, Institute of Transport Logistics, TU Dortmund University, Germany
Tessaro, Carlo, Interuniversity Research Centre for the Study and Promotion of Prehistoric Cultures, Technologies and Landscapes
Thaller, Wolfgang, Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization (CGV), TU Graz<br />
Theis, Thomas, Duke University, Department of Chemistry
Thierry, Olivier, Structural Mechanics and Coupled Systems Laboratory (LMSSC)
Thompson, David, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton

2021 - 2040 of 2388 Items    << < 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 > >> 

Eleventh International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics