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Onkamo, Päivi, University of Helsinki
Ontañon Peredo, Roberto, <div style="margin: 0px;"><span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: x-small;"><span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span style="color: #808080; font-size: x-small;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><strong>Direcci&oacute;n General de Cultura</strong></span></
Ooi, Yoichi, Aisin AW Co., Ltd.
Ooi, Yoichi
Opitz, Rachel, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, Univ. of Arkansas
Opitz, Rachel, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, University of Arkansas
Orengo, Hector A., <p>Landscape Archaeology Research Group (GIAP)<br />Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC)</p>
Orengo, Hèctor A., Landscape Archaeology Research Group Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology
Ouyang, Huajiang, Department of Engineering, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GH, UK
Ouyang, Huajiang, <p>Centre for Engineering Dynamics</p><p>School of Engineering</p><p>Liverpool University</p>
Owens, Bernard, <em>Department of Animal &amp; Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK</em>


Pacanowski, Romain, INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest IOGS
Pacheco-Ruiz, Rodrigo, University of Southampton, Centre for Maritime Archaeology
Padányi-Gulyás, Gergely, Hungarian National Museum - Centre for National Cultural Heritage
Paez, Manuel, <em>Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, P.O. Box 0843 - 03092, Balboa, Anc&oacute;n, Republic of Panam&aacute;&nbsp;</em><br />
Pafort, Catja, Independent researcher
Pagano, Alfonsina, <p>University of Italian Canton of Switzerland</p><p>Master in Technology-Enhanced Communication for Cultural Heritage</p>
Pagi, Hembo, University of Southampton, Archaeological Computing Research Group
Pagi, Hembo (United Arab Emirates)
Pajor, Thomas, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

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Eleventh International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics