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Ma, Bowen, Newcastle University
Ma, Hong, State key Laboratory of Astronautic Dynamics, Xi'an Satellite Control Center
MA, JIANGUO, <html />
MacDonald, Bridget, Croydon University Hospital
Macdonald, John HG, University of Bristol
MacDonald, Lindsay, University College London
MacDonald, Lindsay W., University College London
Mace, Brian, The University of Auckland
Mace, Brian
Mace, Brian R, University of Auckland
Mace, Brian, University of Auckland
Mace, Brian, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Auckland
Mackay, Andrew, <p>A.C. Mackay Consulting</p>
Maddens, Ruben, Ghent University
Madella, Marco, <p>Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals, Spanish National Research Council (IMF-CSIC)</p><p>Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA)</p>
Madella, Marco, ICREA and CASES, IMF-CSIC (Spain)
Madella, Marco, ICREA - CASES, Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals. National Spanish Research Council (ICREA IMF-CSIC)
Madella, Marco, ICREA and CASES. Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals, Spanish National Research Council (IMF-CSIC)
Madella, Marco, ICREA and CASES Instituci&oacute; Mil&agrave; i Fontanals. National Spanish Research Council (ICREA and IMF-CSIC)
Madsen, Oli B.G.

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Eleventh International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics