Be Part of the Community
Be Part of the Community
March 2019 saw the launch of the AnNex newsletter, a (roughly) quarterly offering to keep stakeholders up to date with the project, and we’ve been delighted with the response so far.
By its very nature, the Nexus Programme aims to connect people from across the industry, be they researchers, scientists, clinicians, vets, technicians, patients or publics. We will be publishing work throughout the life of the grant, and beyond, but the newsletter is a quick and easy way to keep everyone updated with progress and events that might be of interest.
Signing up to the newsletter will bring AnNex news and events traight to your inbox, but don't worry, we aren't going to drive you mad! (I'm sure it's not just me who is driven mad by the endless stream of marketing emails that appear from some companies?)
We will ensure that we only curate interesting content that will keep you up to date with how the project is progressing and with events that you may wish to attend. If you find that it isn’t of interest to you – and we sincerely hope this won’t be the case – then you can unsubscribe at any time. Likewise, if you feel that there is other content you’d be interested in, then we’d be delighted to hear from you.
Signing up is very easy, simply click here, or email me and I’ll do the rest. We won’t ever spam you with other emails and we definitely won’t pass your details on to third parties. Do you know of friends or colleagues who might be interested? Please feel free to share the details.
Did you know, we are also on Twitter? Join the debate at @animalresearchnexus.
Fiona (Project Administrator)