Care as Science
"Care as Science: The Role of Animal Husbandry in Translational Medicine" asks how and why animal care is being made an explicit part of scientific knowledge production today, in the context of translational medicine. The project runs from 2015 to 2019, and is funded by a Wellcome Trust New Investigator Award. Carrie Friese, Associate Professor at the LSE, is the Principle Investigator. Carrie and the Animal Research Nexus team have longstanding links and shared interests. Carrie was a co-author on the paper “Developing a Collaborative Agenda for Humanities and Social Scientific Research on Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare” published in PLOS ONE (Davies et al 2016), and also sits on the Animal Research Nexus Programme Advisory Committee. Ongoing collaboration between Care as Science and the Animal Research Nexus includes organising exchanges on work in progress on specific themes such as "cultures of care" in laboratories and regulation, as well as organising a future workshop on the theme of National Cultures of Animals, Science and Care with Animal Research Nexus team members.