Virtual Attendance and Participation

Virtual Attendance

Anyone can attending the conference remotely (with no charge) as all the presentations will be streamed over the internet. This will be done using the platform. The full link to view the conference will be:

Please note: this link will only be active when the workshop begins.

If you wish to interact with the presenters then this can be achieved either by simple text interaction over skype or with a two way audio and video link over ‘vscene’.

Simple Text Interaction (using Skype)

There is a dedicated skype account for this workshop which has the ID ‘StardustGVW2’. Please add this account as a contact. You can ask any questions for the speakers using the text platform in skype at any time during the presentations and these will be posed to the speakers in the question and answer session at the end of each presentation.

Two Way Interaction for Remote Presenters/Virtual Attendance

For those presenting remotely and anyone who wishes to remotely attend with a two way audio and video link then this interaction will be achieved using ‘vscene’.

Please note: those wishing to attend over vscene need to notify the workshop organisers over email ( before the start of the workshop to enable the video conferencing links to be set up and tested.